What we’re all about

Wild Idy Tree Foundation is a non-profit with a mission to restore the natural landscape of our community by replanting trees in areas where they have been removed, promoting sustainable and responsible land use practices, and supporting the growth and development of our community. We believe that by working together to care for our environment, we can create a healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come. Our commitment to environmental impact guides everything we do, as we strive to be good stewards of the land and protect the natural beauty of our community.

One tree planted for every tree removed.

Sometimes trees need to be removed to mitigate fire risk. Our goal for Idyllwild and surrounding mountain communities is to plant a tree for every tree removed. We plant trees responsibly, out of the way of power lines or areas that would cause them to be removed in the future.

Annual Tree Giveaway

Wild Idy Tree Foundation is proud to work with our sponsors to give away over 500 trees annually to be planted on private property. Reforestation starts small - plant a tree in your yard!

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